Thursday, June 6, 2013

[Annual] Review

Because I don't write often enough, here comes another grand review of my life. (Sorry, I will work on changing that, especially in this next season).

God has done amazing things in this past year. Added to that, this has been, without a doubt, the most difficult year for me in Texas so far. For many reasons. However, it is through the difficult times that I have been the most refined. I have learned so much about myself, my sin, and the amazing grace of God.

I think sometime in the past I realized that I was not truly broken over my sin. I really had this view of myself that "I'm really not that bad." I asked God to show me what needed to change and how I needed to become more like Him. I am here to tell you that God is completely faithful and answered me with a vengeance. I may not murder, but I can get oh-so angry. I may not engage in sexual immorality, but I lust. I may typically be a pretty nice person, but I am more selfish than anyone realizes. But thanks be to God for forgiving me and being my advocate! I do not have to live under condemnation and I have hope that He is ever working in and through me.

In other life news, I have now almost completed 1 year of working my first big girl job. I am officially a licensed, certified Speech-Language Pathologist. After 7 years, it's quite an accomplishment. Although, I must say that the end was quite anticlimactic. Being "done" is not really being "done" with anything in this profession. The mountain of things I have yet to learn feels as though it may never be conquered.

My job has been a huge blessing throughout this year and I have loved the very relational side of what I do, going into people's homes and really almost becoming part of their families. It has also been extremely challenging. Some days I feel as though I am still in grad school, doing paperwork, planning, and being consumed with work. I have felt super inadequate more times than I can count in the past year for the job that I am doing. I honestly don't think that I would have survived without the help of my amazing supervisor, Sally.

We have also been living at the Fountains for a year now and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else here. It is actually difficult to believe that it has already been a year. Besides literally having the "nations" in my back yard, my favorite part of living here has been being neighbors to Kevin and Lauren. I love living in such close community and it makes me so sad to think about the next season of my life without them just a parking lot away.

I have said this to anyone who will listen, but it is worth repeating. I have been absolutely blessed by my community and church family here in Fort Worth. Our Wedgwood College & Young Adults group has been an amazing part of my life here in these past (almost) 3 years. Anyone who has come to visit me can see immediately what I mean by this. It is not something that can be put into words easily, but something to be experienced.

And now, with only 3 weeks left in Texas, this chapter of my life is coming to a close. It's exciting and heart-breaking, all at the same time.

Stay tuned for an update about the big changes coming my way!!

Glory to God.