Saturday, July 26, 2008

A great time for something good

Helllo there! So, I had a pretty good finish to my week off. The day that I got back (Wed.) I went to the English school to help ¨teach¨ or whatever it is that I actually do. Talk and get paid basically. :-P Then on Thursday I went a little more into the heart of downtown to start my visa process. Apparently a process that takes quite awhile and costs too much. This day I simply had to go and request a criminal report so that they know I´m an angel. But I have to go back next week to pick up the paper and go make an appointment at some other office to actually request the visa, which takes 45 days to process and costs a good chunk of money. Whoot.

Then on Friday I went and saw the new Batman movie with Abby. I was excited that I could take part in the craze of the US and see this movie. I enjoyed it! It´s nice here because the movies are generally in English if there from the states, with Spanish subtitles. So that´s one less thing I have to miss out on!! Later that night I embarked on a journey to my tango class...alone! That´s a big word for a little girl who is afraid to wander alone at night. And on top of that, Vicky (my host-mom), suggested that I take a different bus there because the stop is right at our corner and drops you off very near the place I was going. I was nervous, but I did it! I even found my way home. The buses are becoming slightly less intimidating. Slightly.

Saturday was a good day. Abby and I decided to find Chinatown to get some good food! I was hoping that the Chinese here wouldn´t be too strange, and I wasn´t disappointed. Mine was delicious and now I know where to go when the craving strikes! With a very satisfied stomach (and quite full!) I went off to meet someone to practice Spanish with. We had coffee and talked for a couple of hours, both in English and Spanish. I enjoyed it and it was good practice. Although he is much better at speaking English than I am with Spanish, but it still helped.

So after that, I went home to where my ¨grandparents¨ where awaiting me. My family is on vacation this week, actually to Iguazú, and so Vicky´s mom and dad are staying with me. They are very nice and I enjoyed their company last night for dinner. I definitely got to practice my Spanish more than usual and we talked about various things from my family to politics. But the most exciting for me was talking about religion. They are Catholic and seem to take their faith pretty seriously, which is refreshing. I haven´t found many people here that do. We talked about how God is the most important thing in life and so many people these days are indifferent. It´s quite sad actually. The conversation came at a great time because I´ve been feeling slightly discouraged in my faith lately. Just about every person I know here goes out frequently to the bars or boliches to drink and ´have fun´. I don´t enjoy that scene, yet I mistakenly feel like I´m missing out on something by not going. The thing I must realize is that, as Em so wonderfully pointed out to me, my time here is what I make of it. So long as I am satisfied with what I am doing and how I am taking advantage of my time, nothing else matters. I shouldn´t feel obligated to go to the boliches (discos) because ¨everyone¨ does it. I should only go if I want to. Who cares if people think it´s odd that I am staying home on a Sat. night. I want to!

With that revelation, and a nice conversation with my lovely sister, I felt much better. Now I must go! I start classes tomorrow, so wish me luck!!


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