Monday, May 26, 2014

{eating adventures}

This is an embarrassing story, but not so embarrassing that I won't share.  Circumstances like the following occur more often than you would probably think, and give good insight into what living abroad does to you. Well, living abroad HERE, that is.

You see, what happened was that B did an amazing thing. On her most recent visa run {a trip out of the country, required after an allotted period of time in order to renew your visa and thus be allowed to return to said country} she brought back Krispy Kreme. Yes, the manna from heaven that is a soft and delicious doughnut.

And so, as we went for the box to indulge in our long-lost craving, we opened to find our worst fears realized. The ants had arrived first.

We each quickly grabbed a doughnut, hoping that ours was one that had been spared. And, although they were mostly free of ants, we did have to do a bit of picking to make sure. 

And then...

...we went for it. 

And if we happened to get a little extra protein, so be it. I'm sure it's not the first an I've eaten here, nor the last.

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