Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So, I’ve just finished my fifth day in Buenos Aires and so far so good. However, there have definitely been and will continue to be adjustments. Here are a few:

- Internet. This is a big one. I don’t have regular access to the internet via my house because it technically belongs to the little boy here, so I can only really get on when he is gone or not using the computer. And he is on the computer for most of the time that he is home. It probably is a good thing that I can’t be on all the time, yet it’s definitely something I need to get used to.
- The language. Obviously. It’s a change, yet it’s not too bad so far. I am definitely spoiled having Marie, because she translates whenever I don’t understand. However, I don’t feel too badly about it because she’s leaving soon, which is very sad. L
- Right of way. We as pedestrians definitely do not have the right of way here.
- The weather. As I said before, I definitely wasn’t prepared for this kind of cold. I am ashamed to say that I don’t even have a coat. I bought some gloves today because it was so cold out. I mean, yes, compared to a MI winter, it’s not bad at all. But compared to the summer that I left, it is veeery cold.
- The subway/buses. The subway doesn’t seem too hard to navigate, but the buses are definitely going to be a bit more of a challenge. It’s a little tricky where they go and stuff, but I should be able to figure it out someday. It does make me sad, however, because for the subway I ride the “D line” most places. Every time it makes me think of Amy “DeLine” and I miss her.
- Vos. For any of you who know anything about Spanish, this entails the “tu” tense. They don’t really use “tu” here, but “vos’ instead. It’s a little confusing, but I hear it’s pretty easy. I think of Sara when learning this, because I think that she would freak out having to learn another tense. J

So anyways, that was more than a few adjustments, but I’ll get used to it I’m sure. Now I get to tell you about my fun day. I got to meet the other people from my program today. I think there were 10 or 11 others from my exact program, but there will be around 100 for our course for the first month. We are taking an intensive language course for a month, and then we will start the regular semester. There is a mix of people that are just staying for the first month and then others who are staying for the entire semester, like me. We went around the city a little bit today and got to see an antique fair that they apparently have every Sunday, which was pretty cool. I also got my first steak here, which was yummy. After we were done hanging out and they were done drinking wine (I hear it’s good here, but to me it tastes awful) I was going to meet up with Marie and a few of her friends to go to a different fair.

Well, let’s just say that was an interesting accomplishment. I got on the subway with the people from my program and then got off by myself. I was proud of myself for even that because it’s a scary feat to wander off by yourself!! I had gotten brief directions from Marie about where to go (thanks to my Argentine phone with texting). So I was kind of wandering and was getting worried because I simply had no idea where to go. I texted her a little more and finally just headed down this one street and walked for a looong time. I was again getting worried because I was just continuing to walk, when suddenly I made it! I had arrived safely at my destination all by myself!! You have no idea how relieved I was. It’s scary!! I really hope I make friends so that I have someone to go places with. :-p

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