Friday, June 20, 2008

Like the movies...

A safe arrival!! But it was a long time getting here. I started out in Grand Rapids and flew out at 5:30pm. I flew a short 2ish hours to Atlanta where I sat next to a nice gentleman who is expecting his first child. He was encouraging because he saw me reading "The Ragamuffin Gospel" and said, "If you have God on your side, you don't need luck." :-)

Then as I boarded my plane to take me across the ocean, it was like the movies. I was sitting in the very middle seat, between two larger middle-aged men who knew each other and were talking over and around me. For 10 hours. haha. I was like "Ohh boy!" But it was nice because right away I started talking to one of the guys in Spanish and he talked to me for quite awhile. I had made friends! Just as we were reaching Buenos Aires, they told us we couldn't land because of wind and rain, so we went and landed in Montevideo, Uruguay to refuel and wait. So a 10 hour flight soon turned into 15 hours. What fun.

So anyways, I arrived safely and am now at my house! I have a mother, Virginia, and two little brothers, Augustin and Valentin. 12 and 6. They are cute. There is also a girl staying here, Marie, who is very nice. She is from California and has been here since like Feb. so she knows her way around well. I am happy to have someone else here who knows what it's like. She is leaving in 8 days and seems excited about that. My house is cute and my room is very nice. It's small, but purple, so I feel at home. ha. I'll post pictures at a later time. I am going out tonight for my first night here! Marie and a few of her friends are going to a kareoke (can't spell) I'll accompany them.

It's so much colder than I had anticipated!! I need more warm clothes :-)

Anyways, Adios friends, I'll stay updating!!


Unknown said...

awesome...that is how i felt when i went to San Francisco, I was so cold all the time...oh well, live and learn :-P

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got there safe! I miss you already! Keep us updated. Love ya


iliketurtles said...

When I read the post title...I instantly thought Goo Goo Dolls "Iris".