Sunday, June 29, 2008

Conquering the bus system of AR, one bus at a time...

I have to start this off by saying that Chris and I sucessfully found a bus that took us where we needed to go after Tango last night!! I was so proud of us!! I guess it may not seem super impressive...but there are like over 100 buses that run throughout the city and it´s hard to know which one goes where, etc. Anyways, it was exciting.

Today was my favorite day so far! So this is how it went:

I met a couple friends at the subway, Abby and Chris, and we went in search of the church that I had found. It´s actually a Crusade run church which was super sweet. We came on a good day as well because they were dedicating a baby. We got there a little bit early so we helped one of the women put up some balloons. I finally met Kelly, whom I had emailed back when I was at home. Everyone was super nice and welcoming. I thought of Sara especially when the worship started. It was awesome worshiping ¨Dios¨ in a different language. The message was a good one, but I really had to focus in order to understand it all. ha.

Then, afterwards they had food that the parents of the baby had made. It was wonderful! And we got to meet two girls who wanted to practice their English, so that was neat. They spoke in English and we spoke in Spanish. There were also two guys there from STINT which was sweet to get to meet them. There are also 3 girls STINTing apparently, but they weren´t there. The two girls invited me to come to their Bible study tomorrow night, so I am going to try very hard to make it. It made me so happy to meet them all!

So after church the three of us set off to Recoletta cemetary, which is where Evita was buried and there is a big ¨feria¨there on the weekends, which is like a huuuge craft show. It was so neat to walk around and see all the neat stuff that people had made. I have a feeling I will be spending more time there. Chris was determined to find a place that sold maté that we could try, but we were unsucessful. We also wandered into a Catholic church that had a choir singing, which was sweet! The church was beautiful and made me think of Natalie...I think she would´ve enjoyed it. After exiting the church there were about 5-10 random people holding up signs that said "abrazos gratis" on them, which means "free hugs." They were so nice! So we gave a few of them hugs and went merrily on our way. It was really cool to see simply friendly people wanting to give out a little cheer.

Anyways, that was mostly my day. A very good one!! :-)

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