Saturday, June 28, 2008

Heels + walking = pain

So last night was a lot of fun here in BsAs. I got to learn how to Tango! We went with our program group, but many of them left early. One girl got her purse stolen, so I don't really blame them. But learning to Tango was really cool! There are actually a few of us that are going again tonight. But we took a way that resulted in a LOT of walking, which my feet did not appreciate. I have a huge blister on my left foot and both of my heals are raw. Needless to say, I will be wearing different shoes tonight. But the way home was definitely an adventure. We couldn't take the subway home because it closes down at like 11. However, we decided that 3 of the girls would take a cab because they all live close, and that Chris and I would take a bus because 4 people can't fit in a cab. I really do want to learn the bus system here. It's indimidating for sure.

So anyways, we got on a bus that would've taken us to our main road, but we apparently got on it going the wrong direction and it ended a few minutes later, having taken us somewhere that I was not familiar with at all. Somewhere that was apparently dangerous at night as well...but I'm glad I didn't know that. Soo, we ended up taking a cab afterall, after stopping at the store for band-aids for my feet. :-) I made it home safe and all ended well. I just hope we can figure out something better tonight.

Today was a good but sad day. Marie has left me. We started the day with some breakfast and chatting, something we've become good at. Then, for lunch we went to a yummy empanada place for my first one and her last. If you don't know what an empanada is, it's a deliciously fried thing filled with ham and cheese, or whatever else. Then we walked to a lake that was near where we were, which was very pretty. It's crazy to think of being in such a huge city and finding a little cozy park with some actual nature. I took a few cool pictures and we got to talk some more. Then we booked it back to the house because she had to leave for the airport. How sad!! I'm going to miss her a lot.

Now I'm just enjoying a silent house before I leave to Tango once more. Adios friends!

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