Sunday, July 6, 2008

The poor cows...

Hola todos!

Everything continues to go well here in AR. I had a good weekend that has ended with a rainy Sunday evening. (It doesn´t rain much here, so I hear) Friday, 4th of July, I am sad to report that I did nothing festive. Unless I wanted to go to the bar and drink it up to celebrate our independence, there wasn´t much to do to celebrate. So I went to the Vida meeting (Crusade) and met some more Argentines. That was cool...everyone is very nice. We had some yummy homemade pizza and watched ¨Fun With Dick and Jane¨ in English with Spanish subtitles, ha. Apparently unless it´s a little kid´s movie, their movies from the US are all in English. It works for me! :-)

Saturday we got up suuuper early to go to Tigre, a nearby city. It´s a very nice place...definitely not as crazy as BsAs. We took a train to get there, which costed all of like $.75 and took about 30 minutes. We went on a boat ride, wandered around the fair, and then saw a couple of museums. It was a good day with a ton of walking. I slept very good last night. ha. I also talked to Betsy last night, which was loong overdue. I´m telling you, this Skype thing is a good idea guys!! Although she did make me cry for the first time since being here! Jerk! ;-) Then today church was cancelled (because there is a missions project going on up in the north) so I got to sleep in a little. It felt wonderful. But I met Chris and Abby and we went to a different fair here, which had sooo much cool stuff. I wish I had a ton of money to spend. Then we decided to go somewhere to eat, so we went into this restaraunt and came out changed people. haha. No, we ordered this special that they had and it turned out to be like every part inside a cow. I tried most of it, but it was a lot of meat and some just was not meant to be served on a plate. My stomach is a little queasy now. And I am not a picky eater, so you know it was a little bit ¨different.¨

So now I´m just at home, enjoying the peace while I can. Lately there has been a lot of yelling going on when everyone is home. Either Valentine is tired and crabbing about something, or Vicky is yelling at Augustin because he didn´t do his homework or he needs to do better in school, etc. It gets wearing, but I asked for kids!! haha. I´ll get used to it. Anyways, hope everyone´s 4th of July was great!!


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