Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A job in AR

So, I must start this post of with my exciting day on Monday. When I got home at 10:30 that night, I was excited. Like the jumping up and down kind of excited. Why, you might ask? day started with the normal school thing. On my lunch break I checked my email and saw that I had an email from Elizabeth, one of the STINTers, asking me if I could help out at a school of English that night. Apparently one of the teachers was sick so they needed someone to come it. At first I was a little apprehensive because I didn´t know how to get there and I would have to take a bus. Yes, the bus again. Those things are monsterous. However, with help from Elizabeth trying to figure out the route, I MADE IT! In one piece. Well, I ended up ¨teaching¨three classes of English, but all I really had to do was talk and ask questions. It was fun! It´s pretty sweet to be referred to as a ¨native¨speaker. hah. The first group I had was younger girls who were cute but didn´t know as much English. Then I worked with young adults my age or so and they were a little bit more advanced, but still shy with speaking. My last group was three adults. They were really cool because they spoke more fluently and had tons of questions. It definitely made me realize that I need to stop being worried about not being able to speak perfectly. These students had the same problem, and they will never get better unless they practice! (Completely the same for me!) And my goal was to become fluent, so let´s get a move on!!
No, but then at the end of the night she paid me!! And asked me to come back the next day! My day was just getting better and better. When I made it home safely on the bus, I was on cloud 9. I am now employed in AR! It only comes out to be like $5 an hour, but that´s way better than nothing! Whoot. God gave me a great opportunity with this job and I cant say thank you enough!

So I went again on Tuesday and she even gave me a snack. The woman i have talked to is very nice and so appreciative that I´m willing to come and work for her. I don´t think she´ll need me for at least another week or two, but it´s nice to have the opportunity.

Yesterday was a holiday for Argentines, their independence day, and so I didn´t do much of anything. I´ve realized that boredom is not my friend here in AR. It allows me too much time to think and miss home/friends. So next time I have a day off, I need to plan on doing something. Yesterday was just not a very good day. I did do something productive though! I ran for a little bit in the morning around a lake that is nearby. It was pretty and I felt better afterwards. I eat so much good food here, yet never excercise. And now there is a girl in my class who said that she wants to go run with me. That´ll be nice.

Next I´m trying to plan a trip for the week that we have off in the next couple of weeks. I want to go to the beautiful Iguazu waterfalls in Cataratas. They are in the movie ¨The Mission,¨if you´ve seen it. It´s stressful trying to figure out where to go and who to ask about prices...ugh. Anyways, gotta run.

Un beso!

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