Sunday, September 14, 2008

What I love about Argentina

These are the things that I have come up with so far:

Dulce de leche- a magnificent creation. To me it is very similar to caramel that you would dip apples in, but to an Argentine it is peanut butter. Yes, sadly enough they do not use peanut butter in anything. The good news is that they have replaced it with something wonderful!

(A spoonful of my dulce de leche kept in the fridge)

Besos- I love the way Argentines greet one another. With a kiss on the cheek. How sweet! I just think it is very sophisticated and fun. And, hey, if a guy is get a kiss! ;-)

Jugo de Naranja- Orange juice! In the states I don´t like the stuff. I don´t know why...maybe it´s just too processed. Because here, it´s WONDERful! For the most part it is all fresh squeezed and unprocessed. Something I will dearly miss...

Caminando- I love just being able to wander the streets and walk wherever I would like. I do miss driving slightly, but I know that I will be back to my car before I know it, paying higher-than-ever gas for now I am going to enjoy it.

(A view down the street when you walk out of my house)

El Super- Believe it or not, I love going grocery shopping for myself. Im sure one day when I get all grown up and have to shop for myself for the rest of my life, I won´t enjoy it so much. But for now it´s something that I enjoy. I can wander down isles and pick out whatever I want.

Tango- Surprisingly enough, this is not something that very many Argentines take part in. I have been taking lessons and it´s a very cool dance. Of course the guy has to do the majority of the work, so it´s easier for me. But I have also started a class where we are learning to appreciate the music, art, and culture behind Tango. It´s all so very neat!

(A photo taken at San Telmo where these dancers can be found every weekend)

The Smell- Not the smell of the stinky ol´city, but the smell of the people! Okay, before you think I´m completely nuts, it´s true! Everyone (okay I´m over-generalizing) smells good! And if you know me at all, you know that I love the smell of a good cologne. :-) But it´s not just the guys! Walking down the street you get whiffs of many good perfumes. Weird or not, it´s something I love!

Mate- The famous tea of AR that, no joke, just about everyone drinks. You see it in the streets, on the subway, and everywhere else you can think of! Believe it or not, the stuff grows on you! I absolutely love the smell of the yerba when I walk through the store or smell someone drinking it. Mmm...

Come and enjoy everything wonderful that BsAs has to offer!

Oh, and if you´d like to see more pictures, here is a link you can go to! Check em out!

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