Friday, August 8, 2008

Filling in the gaps

This week has been pretty busy for me, despite only having classes on Monday and Tuesday. That´s good news for me...I hope that each week will continue to be busy! Let´s see..on Wednesday I went to see Celeste, who is the travel agent that I work with to plan our vacations. She is so sweet and quite the miracle worker. We are planning on traveling to Salta next week, a province in the northwest of AR. I am really looking forward to it, I hear it´s beautiful. I´ll tell more about the trip later.

Yesterday was quite the day. I got up at 6am (eek!) because I had to go to the office of migration in order to take the final step to get my visa. The office opened at 7:30 and so I wanted to be there right away because I heard the process took awhile. Well, I left about 45 minutes early and didn´t end up getting there until shortly after 8. So I´ll know next time to leave at least an hour early! (Because we have to go back in 45 days). Well, it definitely took 5 hours in the office. much waiting and reading and talking and waiting. I felt like it was so unorganized, but I really don´t know anything about how the process works. We had to wait in line #1 to just get our paperwork organized, sign stuff, and pay. Then they sent us to another room where we were combined with a ton more people to wait for our name to be called. This is where I waited probably 3 of the 5 hours. Luckily a girl from one of my classes was sitting next to me, so we were able to chat a little and find comfort in the fact that neither of our names had been called yet. I started to get nervous when the crowd started to thin and they still hadn´t called my name, but finally they did!

I got out of there and headed to LIFE for one of the volunteer activities. It was interesting, but I enjoyed it. First when I got there I just chatted with the other volunteers/interns, who are from all over the world! They are from the states, France, Australia, England, and probably more. Very cool...but no one from Argentina, which was kind of a bummer because everyone just spoke English. Then we headed to our volunteer sites. Mine was I guess the furthest, because it took quite awhile to get there. The commute was probably as long as the time we spent there. Apparently this week was a little different from usual because the kids are on vacation and don´t have homework. Usually we help with homework and then color or play with them. This week was just kind of a free for all...the kids were a little crazy. But it was good nonetheless. I think I needed to see a poorer side of BsAs just to be reminded that not everyone lives as we live. We are SO blessed beyond what we could ever imagine, and yet take it for granted all the time. I mean, these kids were thrilled to have coloring pages...something that many of us probably had books and books of when we were little. I hope I can help to impact their´s just so hard to imagine how I would have any chance of doing that right now. We´ll see!

Tomorrow is Dia de los niños, and I am helping out with a huge party they are throwing for kids. I guess they are expecting over 1000 kids and, as I told Dan, I just might die. haha. No, but it should be fun and I am hopefully going to bring my camera to capture the fun!! I´ll make sure to post how it goes! Tonight is me making that stuffed chicken for the fam...I hope it goes well! Otherwise i just may be kicked out. haha.

Anyways, love you´re still in my prayers!! **Besos!**

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