Monday, August 11, 2008


An eventful past few days! I’ll begin with the dinner I cooked on Friday. Well, it ended up that I mainly just de-boned the chicken and that was all, but that’s okay. Vicky was so excited about everything that she made the stuffing for the chicken and everything else. She wants me to do it again next week. Ha…I have a feeling that I am going to be eating a lot of stuffed chicken while I’m here.

This baby doesn´t have bones!!! Before and after.

Me with my yummy creation!

Then on Saturday I got up at the crack of dawn (actually before dawn) to volunteer at the “dia del nino” party thrown by the organization. Seriously, I got up at 5:45 because it takes me about an hour to get to the office. I think the day was an overall success. There were over 1000 people and by the end of the day all of the kids received a present. There were games, such as basketball, soccer, jump rope, etc. They had face painting and an area for them to color. They also had lunch, hamburgers and salad, and then later had a snack and chocolate milk. I would say it was quite the day for them…all for free!

A few of God´s gifts to this earth!

However, I became a little frustrated as the day went on for a few different reasons. One reason was that people were complaining that the were bored and that there were no balls to play with, etc. Well, I was working at the games and at the beginning of the day we had tons of balls. Halfway through the day the children had taken off with all of them, so we had no more to give. Then, after the gifts had been passed out there were several children that I saw that wanted to change their gift because they didn’t like the one that they had received. Didn’t they realize how hard we had worked and just what they were receiving?

Having said this, I now realize how the world must look at me, and all who are privileged enough to live in nice houses, have nice things, and have a chance at a good future. What reason do I have to ever complain?? None. Yes, there are and always will be people who have “more” than I do. More money, more opportunity, more ability. What does that matter? I have everything that I will ever need, thanks to my Lord and Savior. “‘For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” I need to stop taking my life for granted and appreciate what I have been given!

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