Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!

Hey y´all! I can´t believe that Thanksgiving is already here! That means that Christmas has already arrived in the states, complete with Christmas music and all, right?? Oh, I love the Christmas season, but it just doesn´t quite feel the same with 90 degree weather and not a snowflake in sight. For that, I will be happy to return home and enjoy the joy of the Christmas season. It´s funny though because here they still try to use the North American image of Santa Clause, christmas trees, and snow in the blazing heat of their summer! Poor guys who have to dress up like Santa to pass out the presents. Talk about heat stroke!

So, speaking of Thanksgiving, sadly I am not going to get to enjoy turkey on this lovely holiday this year. However, I helped a couple of ¨gringos¨ yesterday (other American girls) to create a yummy Thanksgiving dinner that the Argentines could enjoy. I was in charge of the stuffing. I think it turned out okay...of course not as good as Grandma´s, but everyone´s got to start somewhere. We also had green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and much more delicious food. No turkey, however, due to high prices and lack of availability. That´s okay...turkey replaced with chicken was hardly noticed. I would demonstrate the great fiesta with some pictures, but unfortunately my camera was stolen (or so I believe) over the weekend.

Yes, sadly enough, someone thought that they had the right to go into my bag and steal my camera while I was on the bus to Bariloche. Ultimately it was my fault because I got off the bus for 5 minutes and left the camera in my seat, in my bag. By the time I realized it was gone, there was no way to know who had done it. More than stealing the camera however, it made me so upset because they stole my ability to capture memories in my last weeks here in Argentina. That´s something that I can´t get back. I don´t think I´ll ever understand how people think that they can take from others something that is not their own. But I tried not to let it ruin my trip. And I did end up having a good time with my good friend Andrea!

So Bariloche is in the south of Argentia, but in the north of the famous absolutely beautiful part of the country. (From what I saw, that´s true!) Bariloche is in a lake district with mountains in the backdrop. The water is a dark blue and the peaks of the moutains are snow covered. It´s a beautiful sight. When we arrived in capris and flip flops, andrea and I realized that it´s a chilly area too! haha, luckily we had brought clothing that was a little bit more weather appropriate. We spent most of the weekend honestly just relaxing. We slept in and got naps just about every day. We wandered the city and made it over to this pretty area called Llao llao (pronounced shau shau here :-) Gotta love those Argentines). We also visited many chocolate shops, as the area is famous for it´s yummy chocolate. And let´s just say I´ve had enough chocolate to hold me for awhile! ha. I had a great time with Andrea, my good Canadian friend, and was sad to have to say goodbye at the end of the trip. :-( These goodbyes are just not getting any easier!! Speaking of which, I´m heading over to another friend´s house shortly to say goodbye to her too. She is Argentine, but will be visiting the states for the next month and I won´t see her anymore. ·sigh· Such is life, right?

Anyways, happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I love you!!

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