Saturday, November 29, 2008

Without power en mi casa

If you can't read Spanglish, the title reads, "without power in my house." Yes folks, sadly I have been without power for the last two days. But that just helps to boost my mooching abilities, as I've had to go house hopping for showers and entertainment. :-) Apparently the no-power thing is a city wide crisis with, according to the tele, 50,000 people in the city without it. Eek, talk about angry people! There were protests on the tv, to get it fixed I think, with people banging pots and pans and making a scene. I'm not really sure how much it helps, but I guess if it makes them feel like they're doing something...

Today I've spent almost the entire day in the apartment of Kim and Alexis, two of the stinters. They actually left for the weekend, but thankfully gave me their keys to their apartment, so I could shower and eat. It's been nice just chillin, relaxing, and doing absolutely nothing. Well shoot, I am on break anyways. I've been going to school since june! No matter that it was probably the easiest semester of my life. Soon enough I'll be back in the states, hurried to get stuff done and live life faster.

I would've been going home today, had I not changed my ticket. Sorry if that's a sad reminder to you, but for me it's a scary thought! I don't think I would've been ready to go home today. But then again, will I ever be ready to leave my new friends behind? I think I will be ready to go home and see everyone, and enjoy Christmas, but it's going to be really hard. Such is life....

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