Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's my life

So, as a friend so nicely reminded me...I need to update my "wonderful blog" ;-)

Life! It's been crazy, relaxing, and wonderful! So I know the crazy and relaxing part is contradictory, but deal with it. :-) I'll explain.

I've finished completely with classes!! Hooray! And as for the grades?? dun da da dun....drum roll...ALL 10's!!! That's right, Sarah recieved perfect scores in all of her classes. Okay, enough gloating, I just had to say it. I was excited anyways.

However, with classes being completely over, I've obviously discovered that I have a lot of spare time on my hands. Which is nice! I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want, and not have to worry one bit about studying, writing a paper, or doing homework. Sorry to rub it in for those of you who are still in classes. Just remember, I started in JUNE!! So, here I am, enjoying Buenos Aires for another month, with no responsibility.

So what have I been up to, you ask? Hmm, let me think back. I played in a soccer tournament last weekend, which was a lot of fun. We had one game on Friday, and lost sadly. Then we had two games in a row on Saturday, of which one we tied and another we won. By the time Saturday night/Sunday rolled around I could hardly move though. I'm not used to that kind of exercise, especially because on Sat. we were down one player so we all had to play the full games.

Monday nights I continue to go to a Bible study. The STINTers run the show, but it's in Spanish with Argentine girls as well. The girls are great. I've been able to create some really great relationships and I've learned so much from each one of the girls. It's also really helped just being in a Bible study since being here. I've not missed out on fellowship or growth!

Tuesday nights I've started going to eat tacos with the Vida gang (or whoever shows up) at a place called California Burrito Company. Yeah, slightly american?? Actually an American owns the place and knows us now, since they've been going for over a year! I don't know if I mentioned it before, but eating tacos is a treat because they don't have them very many places!! If you're anything like I was, you would expect the food to be similar to that of Mexico...spicy and flavorful. However, what I have discovered, thanks to the huge number of immigrants that populated the country, is a lot of Italian food. Generally without any type of spice whatsoever. But, the food is still good! And it makes me appreciate taco night even more. :-)

Thursday night I generally make and eat dinner with my friend Kevin, as you saw in one of my last posts. It's fun because I get to practice my newly obtained cooking skills and have fun while I do it!! This past week we made pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. To my disappointment, he'd had it all before, but it was still yummy.

Friday nights are Vida nights. It's just a time that I get to spend with friends, hanging out, playing games, or doing whatever. Sadly I couldn't go this past week because I got sick!! Yes, for the first time in AR, I got sick. :-( I woke up on Friday morning with a fever, headache, sore neck, and sore throat. No fun. Maybe because of the change in climate, but whatever the reason, I didn't like it. I'm still recovering, as still have a sore throat and neck. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered in no time.

This coming Friday I am planning a trip to Bariloche with my friend Andrea. Bariloche is more in the south, which I've been wanting to see for some time now. I'll be gone for a little under a week, then coming back here just in time for Thanksgiving! The stinters want to make a big Thanksgiving dinner for the Argentines, to show em what it's all about. :-) That'll be fun.

Okay, so anyways....gonna head out. Hope this was a good enough update!!

Sending my love...

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