Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The pumpkin we carved to celebrate Halloween! (Note: they do not have very many bright orange ones like us. Also note the yummy American candy compliments of my mommy)

So, a lot has happened since I last wrote. Where to start?! Well, we spent Halloween at a zoo! I went with a few of my girl friends here and it was a beautiful day! The weather here is getting gorgeous, although today is a scorcher...with temps in the 80's and over 50% humidity. Talk about bad hair day. Anywyas, The zoo was incredible because we could touch almost all of the animals! We got to touch real live huge lion, baby lions, baby pumas, monkeys, ride a camel and elephant, and much more!

That's real!! i just hope he wasn't drugged. :-/


Okay, so I wasn't expecting him to jump on my head!

Soo, that weekend we also went to La Boca, which is a famous neighborhood of the city. It's famous for the bright colors of the houses and being a place where the inmigrants first lived when they came to BsAs. If you don't know Argentina's history, the majority of the original population are immigrants from Italia and Spain. That's why this city seems so European! But the story of the colorful houses is that the immigrants didn't want to seem so poor so they stole paint from the ships that they arrived on to paint the houses. Interesting, no?

This week has been a sort of sad one so far! I ended both my cooking and tango class, which I have enjoyed immensely this past semester. I've learned sooo much about cooking, and learned things that I'll be able to use forever more! I am also grateful for having met my class...they helped me to learn more spanish and were very welcoming! And tango!! Wow, I'm going to miss dancing! It's such a fun thing and I have actually come very far in the past 4 months! But I am still hoping to go to another milonga before leaving. ANd hopefully I can find a place to dance when I get home. I love it!!

So anyways, that's my past week in a nutshell. Tonight a few of us girls are going out to have a sort of goodbye dinner, since a few of them are leaving quite soon! How sad. An experience such as this is great for meeting amazing people, but the worst part is saying goodbye. But as my mom so nicely reminded me, I never would have met these people had I not come. So I have to keep that in mind as I "despedir" my new friends!


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