Friday, June 19, 2009


Monday was a national holiday, Flag Day, and so we did not go to campus. Instead, we got everyone together and played sports all day. It was lots of fun and drained lots of energy from my weary body. We started with Ultimate Frisbee and then ended with the oh-so-popular soccer, or ¨futbol.¨ It was Argentines and Yankees alike. I enjoyed myself. That evening we played games at our hotel with some of the Argentines and continued the celebration and fun.

However, the next morning I woke up not feeling well. I´m not sure if it was the running around the previous day, sharing mate with everyone, or staying up too late...maybe a combination of all three. Whatever the case, I remained in bed for the day with a fever and did not go to campus with the rest of the group. It was not very pleasant. The next morning I still had a bit of a fever, but I took some medicine and got to campus. When my fever broke, it was like flipping a switch...I switched immediately from fever to cold. My nose turned into a faucet and I developed a cough. I´m still in that state, with a slight sore throat, but doing better. SO many of the people we had been hanging out with within those few days before I got sick are sick too. It´s going alllll around.

As far as ministry, I had been feeling rather discouraged because I hadn´t been able to be on campus, but today was great! Candice and I got to have a really great conversation with a girl and I left feeling more sure than ever that God wanted us to talk to her and remind her of God´s love and plan for her life. If there was one person we were supposed to talk to today, I am sure it was her.

We ended the day with our Friday activities of English club and our Vida meeting. We decided to do a ¨Christmas in June¨theme, since it is cold in the USA during the winter and it is cold here now. The Argentines were quite confused by the theme, but many of them still arrived wearing red and green. We made cookies, hot chocolate, and played Christmas songs in the background. It was a fun evening. Later it turned into a dance party, but that´s just ´cuz we enjoy dancin´so much. haha.

Anyways, tomorrow is our service project. We´re going to an orphanage, which should be a good experience and give us a chance to really love on some kids who don´t get much love.

Speaking of love, I send some your way! Thanks for keeping updated and supporting this sweet ministry here in Argentina. :-) I´ll be seeing you soon!!

1 comment:

AmyD said...

Hey Sarah! I'm sorry you've been sick and I'll keep praying for you :-). It's cool to keep up with what God is doing in your life and I can't wait to talk to you in person soon!
