Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi all!

Another week has passed and I can't believe it! We only have 2 weeks left here in Argentina. The time has really flown by! We actually only have about 7 more days on campus and we will be going to Iguazu to see the beautiful waterfalls in the north of the country.

I had a very up and down week. I was so discouraged on Wednesday because we just couldn't find anyone who was really interested in hearing what we had to share. Everyone had the attitude of "well, whatever works for you"....I got the feeling of "WHY am I trying to convince these people to accept this free gift when they don't even want it?" I know that was the wrong attitude to have, because number one, it's not me "convincing them" but instead presenting the gospel and letting them make a choice, praying that God will lift the veil from their eyes. Number two, I had to remind myself of God's love for each one of these students and the pain he feels at their rejection of his truth. I can't imagine. I get the comfort at least of knowing that they're not rejecting me, instead they're rejecting God. Even though it was a discouraging day, it was good for me to remember that we're fighting for lost souls and I need to have a broken heart for them, no matter how hard it can be to feel sometimes.

The next day was much more encouraging. It was really cool because a couple of girls and I got to share the gospel in Spanish to a girl from France. None of us were using our native languages, yet we were able to communicate very well. It was neat!

Thursday was very interesting. Sam, one of my fellow team members, and I went and passed out a bunch of fliers for English club and a talk/debate we were having on Friday. We were encouraged by some of the students' responses and afterwards we were SO pumped and ready to do ministry. We decided to go talk to one girl sitting alone and ask if she wanted to do a survey. She didn't speak English, so I then asked her in Spanish. She immediately asked if the survey was about God. Nodding my head yes, she calmly looked me in the eyes with a nasty look and said, "I don't want anything to do with this God of yours. You all come here and think you can evangelize to our country like we're one of your colonies. Well you should just go home." And then she looked back down to her book and resumed her studying.

I honestly felt like I had confronted Satan himself. Sam and I were so excited to do ministry this was clearly intended to break us down and discourage us. To be truthful, it did put a damper on the rest of my day, but it was also encouraging in a way. It showed me that Satan and spiritual warfare is real. Our whole team had been feeling it all week. It also showed us that what we are doing on that campus is making a difference and we're making headway with the gospel. Satan does not like that. I love these verses from Luke 10:16-19

"He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."

The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."

He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Thanks for the encouragement and prayers!!

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