Sunday, June 7, 2009

This is our whole team of 14 in La Plata!

Hi all!!

Today is a day of rest!! Yay! This past week and weekend has been full of stuff to do and so it´s very nice to just have a day to listen to a sermon, chat a little, take a nap, post some pictures, and head to church a little later on. Since I haven´t been doing a very good job on keeping y´all updated on daily activity, I´ll do that now.

We had the fun opportunity to go to Uruguay as a group last weekend. Each week we get one free day with which we can do whatever we´d like. We took a bus very early in the morning to Buenos Aires and got on a ferry to take us over to Uruguay. We got to walk around a pretty town called Colonia and enjoy the sights of a new country. It did seem rather similar to Argentina, but it was quiet and peaceful. The group rented motos to ride around the city, but a couple of us decided to stay on foot and so we adventured the city on our own.

Over the week we went to campus every day and talked to students. The time on campus goes by very fast though. One day a week I am discipled by one of our staff members and another day our group had to plan English club.

This past Monday was my birthday, which I enjoyed very much! Our group went out to dinner together and then afterwards had decided to go bowling. Well, once we got back from dinner we discovered that the bowling alley is closed on Monday nights, go figure! So instead we decided to go upstairs and play cards and whatnot. Well, when I got up there my group had decorated and brought a cake for me. :-) It was very cute of them. I also got flowers from my roomie and earrings from Elizabeth. They made it a special day!

Friday I got a very special opportunity to go to Buenos Aires for their weekly meeting. I had asked a week or so ago if it would even be possible, since we have our weekly meeting here in La Plata on Fridays too. The leaders talked it over and figured things out so that I could go. I was SO so excited to get the opportunity to see all of my friends from when I had studied abroad. It meant a lot that they let me go! I ended the evening spending the night in the apartment of Kim and Alexis, two of the girls I became close to while in BA. It was just like I had never left!

Saturday I went to visit Vicky, my host mom from last year, but she was out of town sadly. The one day I came to visit! Hopefully I will get another opportunity to see her. I enjoyed being back in my neighborhood and seeing all of the old places I used to walk by every day. It was a great day!

This is a picture of us dancing at our Friday night meeting in La Plata. We had a very fun dance party!! :-)

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