Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's Beginning to Feel Alot Like Michigan...

Hey all!

Yes, what the title says is true! But, probably not for the reasons you're suspecting...Not because I'm meeting friends or starting classes. Not because I'm finally getting around the city a little better or settling into a church, but because today it was SEVENTY-FOUR degrees outside!! WHAT?! It rained a little yesterday and cooled down a ton, but today it never really got much hotter then 75! Now, that's just pure insanity coming from usual weather from about 105-110. It's the first time that I've felt chilly outside since being here! They do say that it's going to hit 90 again tomorrow, but honestly even that is better than the up-there temps we've had.

Anyways, in more life-related news:

I've almost officially finished my first week school as a graduate student at TCU! Phew! It's super crazy and my brain is loaded with tons of new information. And really, classes at this point is the least of my concern! I have 3 clinical assignments so far that are looking pretty interesting! I will be working with two older boys, ages 11 and 12, one having mild autism and the other Down's Syndrome. The third is a little boy, 5ish I think, and he is bilingual! :-) I hear that they are all pretty sweet and I know that I"m going to learn a ton working with them! The other clinical thing I will be doing is going to a local school district with a professor to work with bilingual children doing screenings, diagnostics, and therapy. However, that is 8 hours every Friday, so I know those are going to be exhaustingly long days. We start all that clinical stuff next week, so we've been meeting with supervisors, preparing lessons, and learning paperwork. It leaves me so very exhausted at the end of each day! But I know that once I make it through the first couple of weeks I should be much less overwhelmed.

TCU continues to be great, I'm loving the faculty and students. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. Coming here having an undergraduate degree from a different university is somewhat tough because, as I said before, almost half of our clinicians did their undergrad at TCU and so they "know it all". I know how to write reports, lesson plans, do therapy, etc, but in a whole different way! Sometimes it can feel like/ you can be treated like you've never done any of it! But that's more of a pride issue than anything and it is very important that I learn TCU's way of doing things. After all, I will be here for the next 2 years!

I went to the same church that I had attended before this week and really enjoyed it. The pastor is from Michigan, so of course he's a winner. ;-) But his message I thought was very insightful and he's starting an 80-week sermon series "Through the Bible". Yowza!! That's intense. But I'm excited to learn! Afterwards my roommate and I went out to lunch with some people from the young adults group. Making friends, slowly but surely! I also am planning on going over to a woman's house for dinner this weekend. She and her husband have 3 little guys and they are a pretty cool family! But her husband is a Navy pilot, so he will be gone this weekend and she asked if I'd like to come over for dinner. :-) I'm excited about that!

Cru things have also started on campus, and that's a whole different whirlwind! I went to a student leader's retreat last weekend and it was nice to meet a lot of the students and hang out. They had a picnic last night and I spent a couple of hours there. It's so hard to know how to balance my time with that and how much I can REAlly get involved, but I know that I at least will be going to a couple of meetings a week (one with volunteers and one with students) and probably discipling (mentoring) a few of the girls. Still praying for discernment!

So....that pretty much sums up my life as of right now. I do miss Michigan and all my friends and family, but I know this semester is going to FLY by and I will be home for a month before you know it!

Loving you!

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