Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Auntie Sarah

Good news from home...

I'm going to be an AUNT! :-) Hooray...that makes me excited. Now someday I'll be able to show Whitney pictures of my even cuter niece or nephew. ;-) haha, totally joking.

Hmm...what else is new. I went to a "Bible study" on Monday with the couple of girls that I met at church on Sunday. The reason I say "Bible study" is because we never actually studied the Bible! ha, but the promised me it isn't like that every week. We had some yummy food (a constant theme here in AR) and chatted. I met the 3 girls who are STINTing here and they are super nice. However, they speak English to me which doesn't help me a whole lot. I am really going to have to work at speaking more Spanish if I want to become fluent. I've learned that there are a whoole lot of ways around speaking it here. I need to work on that.

This week hasn't been too eventful so far. Which isn't really a bad thing. I got to talk to my mom for awhile yesterday, which was nice. So if anyone loves me enough to download Skype and talk to me, I will arrange a time to talk with you. :-)

Class is going well. The day generally goes by pretty quickly and the class itself is quite easy. The only thing that i realized that I really should work on is my vocabulary. There are so many simple words that I don't even know. But I'm learning, so that's good! Anyways, I should get working on my last English paper for my online class...then I will officially be done with English forever!! whoohoo. ha. But really, it's exciting.

Hasta luego friends!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm trying to get caught up on ur posts! It sounds like ur having fun tho. But about the niece/nephew thing..I'm sure your will be cute BUT cuter than mine..I'm not so sure, haha JK! I miss you lots tho! I'll email you soon, trust me life over here is not so exciting lol. Love you!

Dan said...

So...I have Skype already...but loving you enough to talk to you is the thing I'm struggling with.
