Friday, September 26, 2008

Thoughts On Being a Dog

So, recently it´s been coming to my attention that sometimes I feel like a dog! Not because I´m growing more hair or drinking out of a bowl, but because I´m not a native Spanish speaker. Here´s the situation:

There have been tons of people that I´ve met through my host-mom, be it cousins, friends, parents, people working on the house, etc. And without fail, almost every time I meet a new person we´ll talk for a few minutes...they´ll ask where I´m from, what I´m studying, etc, and then they will turn to Vicky and say, in spanish of course, ¨She speaks very well in Spanish!¨ Almost like they don´t realize what they are saying because, if I can speak spanish very well, I probably can understand it as well! Yes, the compliment is nice, it just may be nicer yet if it was directed at me :-P

The other situation is this:

Again, meeting all of these friends and family members of Vicky, if they don´t right away come out and say something about my Spanish skills (like above) Vicky will undoubtedly find room to say (with me standing right there, mind you), ¨Yeah, her Spanish is perfect. She understands everything and speaks very well.¨ This cracks me up because I know that my spanish is FAR from perfect and there are still many things that I don´t understand. But it´s like I´m a show dog sometimes...let´s see who has the better American student! ha.

So that´s my rant for now. Nothing bad, just have found it funny the past few weeks.

But sidenote: I HAVE improved a ton in my speaking skills since being here...something I was afraid wouldn´t happen.

Sending my love!!

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