When we finally arrived in Santiago, we once again felt like out-of-place foriegners -- a feeling that we haven't felt in quite some time. We didn't even really know where to go because we couldn't find a map and we didn't really come armed with an itinerary. We took the metro to the "centro" and happended upon a huge park that was quite beautiful and was on a hill, so you could get great views of the city as you climbed up and up. We had some fun with photos and then were stuck.
These are the two guys we met in Chile!
Me chillin' with two guards in front of the Chilean "white house"
After separating from the guys and eating dinner, we realized that we still had a lot of time to kill before catching the bus back to Mendoza, so we stopped at a cafe to kill time and spend our last Chilean money. This is where we entered into the silly stage of much fun, yet unnecessary, laughter. We must have been quite exhausted because everything seemed quite funny. First we hardly had any Chilean money left, thinking we could pay the rest with a credit card. Well, they didn't accept credit cards or Argentine pesos...the only other two types of currency we had. They did accept Euros or American money though...big surprise! Once we figured out exactly what we could buy to spend our money, the girls decided that they had to use the bathroom. Turns out there was a sign on the bathroom door saying that you had to pay to use it (not uncommon for public bathrooms)...but we didn't have enough money! There were a few other small things, but I'm not going to bore you with the little stuff.
The bus ride back was interesting with us trying to sleep, yet being interrupted by some flirty Chilean students on their way to visit Argentina for the week. At first we weren't sure if they were Argentines because of one guy's accent...but it turns out he was making fun of Argentines. The fact that he was making fun of Argentines, however, envoked some patriotism in me, which I took for a good sign.
Anyways, the rest of the trip was pretty much filled with boredom waiting in the bus station and sleeping on the ride home. But it was a great adventure!! Love to hear what you think. :-)
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