Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The only word I can use to describe what I feel for God's provision. He has faithfully provided all $5,100 for this trip to Argentina that I've felt so called to be a part of. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS y'all!!! I have had over 50 people make donations, so THANK YOU thank you for your support! Even if it was $5, you made a difference towards reaching this goal. Every "little" bit can be used by God! This experience has taught me so much about faith and prayer and what it means to hand the reigns over to God and say "I can't do this, but I know you can."

I've had a few people tell me, "You had faith all along, and I just didn't think it would happen." Well, let me tell you...faith was something that I was lacking in so many instances. I wish I had journaled my doubts so that I could see that, even in my lack of faith, God was and is faithful. Honestly though, I was so scared a lot of the time that if I even admitted that I was struggling with believing the money would come in, God would punish me by not providing it. haha...what a silly thought process, but really.

I think, through it all, the thing I've cherished most is the overwhelming encouragement and support I've received. My church seriously opened it's arms WIDE, took me in, and showed me that they are excited and more than willing to help me accomplish my "calling", whatever it may be. I've seen over $100 come in from poor college students, just like me. My friends, who want to see me follow this passion and be fulfilled. Relatives that I don't even know have sent money, encouraging me to go where God is leading. What a wonderful group of ministry partners I've been blessed with! I cherish each one.

But I do just want to end this by saying "All glory and honor and praise be to God"
HE did this, NOT me. Now it's time to give it back to him through 6 weeks of intensive ministry!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I'll try to update once more before I leave!

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