Monday, May 4, 2009

I wanna be a yes girl

So, I should be studying for the first of my 6 finals this week. For that reason, I have decided to kick off the second running of my super-cool, adventur-filled BLOG!!

I would love it if you would join me on my next adventure in Argentina. I will be leaving in TWO WEEKS (May 17th) to spend 6 weeks in Argentina doing full-time ministry. I will either be in Buenos Aires (crossing my fingers) or La Plata, a smaller city about 1 hour away. Either way, I will be growing in my knowledge of God, sharing my faith, encouraging believers, creating new friendships, and having a BLAST while doing it.

Sorry I didn't write over the last five months! Of course I was busy with school and everything life here entails, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't connect to my computer every hour of every day. (Or pretty stinkin' close). I'm pretty much a compulsive email/facebook checker. I'm not sure how much computer time I will get in Argentina though, so that is a main reason why I've got this keep y'all updated.

So it may seem as if I'm returning to Argentina rather soon after being there for 6 whole months. And you know, that's a valid point, I admit. However, I view Argentina not as an isolated, one-time experience that is done and over with, but instead an experience that has allowed me to view another place on this planet as home. I think I've said this before, but I didn't just visit Argentina as a foreigner tourist on a vacation and I didn't visit Argentina as a scientist with her magnifying glass, analyzing every part of the culture and people in order to bring ground-breaking news back to the U.S. No, I didn't do that. I choose to believe that I became a part of the Argentine culture, allowed it to influence me and change me, seep into my heart and become a part of who I am. I discovered my favorite empanada place, my favorite ice cream flavor, and my favorite park to sit and read. I developed friendships with people that even thousands of miles can't destroy. I became a member of a little family, disfunctional as my own, and became a daughter to an Argentine woman.

All of that is not to say that I've forgotten where my first home is. Or who my true family is. Or who my other friends are. I still have that same favorite restaurant and ice cream flavor here. I have the beaches of Michigan that call me to watch the most beautiful sunsets one could imagine. My passions began here. I've been created here, shaped day in and day out by my experiences in good ol' Michigan.

I have two homes. I'm not sure that there is anything wrong with that, except the desire in my heart to be one place, when my body is in the other. I can never be in both places at once and, therefore, need to take advantage of the opportunities that life provides me to live and love both.

Thank you for bearing with me through that...but it's a struggle sometimes to remember that it's okay to be torn. And to end full-circle, I've been given this amazing opportunity to return to Argentina and I don't want to say no. And beyond not wanting to, I don't think God wants me to either. Staying in His will for my life and following His plan is more important to me than anything. I pray that I am able to prove that statement true in the way that I life my life forevermore.

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