Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life of a not-stressed grad student

I need to be careful posting so soon...y'all are going to start thinking I'm a regular blogger! (Did you notice the "y'all"??)

Let's see...Life.

I am surprised at how not-stressed I am this semester. I've been trying to figure it out. I have fewer clinical assignment things to do, such as writing reports and making lesson plans, but I have an additional class. And class isn't without work and studying, let me assure you. I am hoping that I am not just waiting until the last minute to do everything for classes, but I have already started my research paper due in 3 weeks, which I'd say is an accomplishment. I am wondering if my being less stressed correlates with the strength of my relationship with God. (can you tell that my research class is infiltrating my life?) It seems like, the more time I take out to spend with God, reading his word, praying, etc., the more time I seem to have in my day. It seems counter intuitive, but I can only say that it feels true for me on a daily basis. Now, I am not saying that I DON'T get stressed about anything or worry about anything. I am human, after all. However, I do have an overall sense of peace about my daily life, what I am involving myself in, how I spend my time, what I'm getting done, etc.

In other news, I have had QUITE an exciting week!! It started with meeting up with Ethan, our college ministry director, last Sunday to talk about missions and all of the possibilities for the college group. He had approached me in the past couple of weeks to ask if I would pray about heading up missions for the college ministry. This seems to be an answer to a long-prayed prayer! He sort of issued a challenge to me to "stretch my ministry muscles," which is exciting for me!
(And scary too!) I haven't stepped far out of my comfort zone in ministry in quite some time. It reminds me of the question:

"What thing are you doing right now in your life that would be impossible without God?"

So, I'm striking out on a new path in life that I believe God is faithfully guiding me down! I started out this week getting a tour of Catholic Charities, a local organization that works closely with refugee populations (among many many other ministries) to settle them, provide financial and job assistance, and mentor relationships. I also met later in the week with the director of missions at my church and another young lady like myself who actually works for Catholic Charities. It looks like things are falling into place and I am SO looking forward to where this can go. I will definitely give more updates in the future! Now I'm praying that the vision I have for this can be cast into the hearts and minds of my fellow college students at Wedgwood.

On a side note, I finally got an opportunity to teach and play Settlers of Catan last weekend with a couple of sweet girls. It brought back memories of good times last year with my wonderful friends at CMU. Now I just need to find someone who knows how to play chess! (Gosh, I'm SUCH a nerd!!) But better a nerd than a dork. (Oh wait, I think that's me too.)

Sending my love!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cooking & Baking Endeavors

Wow! Another post already? I've been inspired by reading blogs these past few weeks (especially when we had our 4 snow days) and I wanted to share some of the fun things coming out of my, and others', kitchens! I have always inspired to be a good cook, like my momma and grandma. And while being a student is a full-time, crazy job, so is being a wife and a mother! I'm starting to realize that things aren't going to get less busy as life moves on, so I'd better start adapting now! Plus, it's something I very much enjoy, so why not?

Benefits of cooking/baking:
-I get to EAT it!
-I get to try out new recipes
-I get to experiment mixing flavors and colors
-I get to please others with the yummy goodness! (I hope)

Drawbacks of cooking/baking:
-It's expensive at this stage in life
-It can be rather time consuming

So here are a few of the things I've taken pictures of:

(Toll House Streusel Muffins with slivered almonds on top)

(Halloween treat: Brownies with peanut butter frosting, and a little extra!)

(Deboned whole chicken with bacon/vegetable stuffing)

On a side note for this one, I'd been promising my grandma that I would do this for her since 2008, when I learned in Argentina. She still didn't understand how I did it without breaking the skin...

(Superbowl treat: Chocolate cupcakes in football formation)

This one wasn't entirely my undertaking. In fact, the frosting is all my roommate. But I thought it was too adorable NOT to share!

(Cut up carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, and yellow squash)

(Combined ingredients: hamburger, rice, veggies, spaghetti sauce, herbs & spices)

(Final result: Stuffed green peppers)

The last recipe is compliments of the lovely Julie, a wonderful mother, wife, and fabulous cook! I wish I had more opportunities to learn from her!

Bon Appétit!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

As the days go by...

I realize my last post began with "It's beginning to feel a lot like Michigan," and, again I'd say that's true! Only this time it's not the end of August with temperatures cooling down into the "tolerable" range. This time it's feeling like home due to our much lower temperatures and *gasp* even snow!! Crazy enough, in the past two weeks I have had 5 snow days (3-4 of which were due to light snow, heavy ice)! I think I maybe had one snow day in all four years of college, but I'm not complaining. Next is supposed to come the slightly "I'm superior" comment about Texans being wimps and how being scared to go out in a few inches of snow is pretty lame. After all, I am a seasoned winter driver. Well, it's not coming from me! I can't blame Texans for being scared to is no joke, especially not when you have Not A Thing to melt it. Like salt, for example. Maybe it's the reason my car is rusty, but it's also the reason that I haven't been in a winter accident! Anyways, enough about the weather!

Life since last fall? Here are a few things that have happened:

I cried my first day of clinic.
I survived my first semester of clinic.
I get up at about 6-6:30am [most] every day to have coffee and Jesus time.
I used Spanish weekly, if not daily.
I read Genesis through (now) Psalms with the church.
I have developed a great friendship with one particular girl in my program.
I went to a haunted house and hurt my arm by running into a wall.
I went home for Thanksgiving.
I drove to a different city 3x a week to work with Spanish-speaking kiddos.
I babysit on occasion for a lively, wonderful set of 3 boys.
I went to downtown Ft. Worth and saw the beautiful Christmas lights.
I passed my first semester with a 4.0!
I went home for a month over Christmas.
I have a "staff" dinner weekly with our staff/volunteer team in Cru.
I'm loving my living arrangement.
I played laser tag.
I've developed a friendship with two sweet girls at church.
I've learned more about this profession than I can possibly remember.
I'm debating writing a thesis (truly debating!)
I tutor a 13 year old girl in algebra.
I have lunch with church friends almost every Sunday afternoon.
I've become a more confident clinician.
I've developed a great relationship with our college director and his wife, from church.
I've been working on memorizing Scripture.
I helped host a Superbowl party.
I rooted for Antonio Brown and the Steelers in said Superbowl.
I am in two weddings this upcoming year, possibly 3.
I love what I'm learning.
I'm praying about current and upcoming ministry opportunities.

So, that's all for now. :-) Sorry if you've missed me. I'll try to be better!

Hugs and kisses,

Sarah Anne

PS I leave you with a picture of my life on the weekends:

And my face: