Sunday, June 29, 2008

Conquering the bus system of AR, one bus at a time...

I have to start this off by saying that Chris and I sucessfully found a bus that took us where we needed to go after Tango last night!! I was so proud of us!! I guess it may not seem super impressive...but there are like over 100 buses that run throughout the city and it´s hard to know which one goes where, etc. Anyways, it was exciting.

Today was my favorite day so far! So this is how it went:

I met a couple friends at the subway, Abby and Chris, and we went in search of the church that I had found. It´s actually a Crusade run church which was super sweet. We came on a good day as well because they were dedicating a baby. We got there a little bit early so we helped one of the women put up some balloons. I finally met Kelly, whom I had emailed back when I was at home. Everyone was super nice and welcoming. I thought of Sara especially when the worship started. It was awesome worshiping ¨Dios¨ in a different language. The message was a good one, but I really had to focus in order to understand it all. ha.

Then, afterwards they had food that the parents of the baby had made. It was wonderful! And we got to meet two girls who wanted to practice their English, so that was neat. They spoke in English and we spoke in Spanish. There were also two guys there from STINT which was sweet to get to meet them. There are also 3 girls STINTing apparently, but they weren´t there. The two girls invited me to come to their Bible study tomorrow night, so I am going to try very hard to make it. It made me so happy to meet them all!

So after church the three of us set off to Recoletta cemetary, which is where Evita was buried and there is a big ¨feria¨there on the weekends, which is like a huuuge craft show. It was so neat to walk around and see all the neat stuff that people had made. I have a feeling I will be spending more time there. Chris was determined to find a place that sold maté that we could try, but we were unsucessful. We also wandered into a Catholic church that had a choir singing, which was sweet! The church was beautiful and made me think of Natalie...I think she would´ve enjoyed it. After exiting the church there were about 5-10 random people holding up signs that said "abrazos gratis" on them, which means "free hugs." They were so nice! So we gave a few of them hugs and went merrily on our way. It was really cool to see simply friendly people wanting to give out a little cheer.

Anyways, that was mostly my day. A very good one!! :-)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Heels + walking = pain

So last night was a lot of fun here in BsAs. I got to learn how to Tango! We went with our program group, but many of them left early. One girl got her purse stolen, so I don't really blame them. But learning to Tango was really cool! There are actually a few of us that are going again tonight. But we took a way that resulted in a LOT of walking, which my feet did not appreciate. I have a huge blister on my left foot and both of my heals are raw. Needless to say, I will be wearing different shoes tonight. But the way home was definitely an adventure. We couldn't take the subway home because it closes down at like 11. However, we decided that 3 of the girls would take a cab because they all live close, and that Chris and I would take a bus because 4 people can't fit in a cab. I really do want to learn the bus system here. It's indimidating for sure.

So anyways, we got on a bus that would've taken us to our main road, but we apparently got on it going the wrong direction and it ended a few minutes later, having taken us somewhere that I was not familiar with at all. Somewhere that was apparently dangerous at night as well...but I'm glad I didn't know that. Soo, we ended up taking a cab afterall, after stopping at the store for band-aids for my feet. :-) I made it home safe and all ended well. I just hope we can figure out something better tonight.

Today was a good but sad day. Marie has left me. We started the day with some breakfast and chatting, something we've become good at. Then, for lunch we went to a yummy empanada place for my first one and her last. If you don't know what an empanada is, it's a deliciously fried thing filled with ham and cheese, or whatever else. Then we walked to a lake that was near where we were, which was very pretty. It's crazy to think of being in such a huge city and finding a little cozy park with some actual nature. I took a few cool pictures and we got to talk some more. Then we booked it back to the house because she had to leave for the airport. How sad!! I'm going to miss her a lot.

Now I'm just enjoying a silent house before I leave to Tango once more. Adios friends!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A story of a chilly little girl

So on a cold and rainy day a lovely little girl arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Much colder than she had anticipated, the wet and cold were gnawing through her thin clothing and making her toes curl. Toes that were covered by nothing more than flip flops.

After settling in and taking a nap she decided to venture out with her new friend. However, she quickly ran into trouble when her new mother saw what she was planning on wearing. In an entirely different language she was being fussed at and taken care of!

Immediately her new mother went to the closet and pulled out her own clothing to cover the cold little girl. After dressing her in many layers and insisting that she put on socks with her flats, the mother was satisfied that she was bundled enough to go out. At that, they set out.

The story continues a day or so later. She slowly began to find warm clothing to wear at bargain prices. She began with some gloves to encase her chilly fingers. Then a scarf to wrap around her exposed neck, and then finally, a warm sweater that extended to her knees...warm enough to satisfy her doting mother. No more will she hear "Abrigate!"

Before and After!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Taste of BsAs

This is my bedroom!! I feel very comfortable here, except that it has tile floor. Brrr!!

This is my first steak in Argentina! It was quite deliciosa with my Coca Cola light. I had to get that in there because Betsy will appreciate it. :-)

Oh, and I really don't think it's a correct idea that Argentina consumes excessive amounts of beef. I am thinking that is more true with pastas. Very much an influence from Italy.

Today I took my placement exam for our first month of Spanish. It went fairly well I thought. I got placed in Intermediate II, which is on the more advanced end of the spectrum. After our exam, I walked around with the people from our program and got some lunch at a local mall. It was actually a French café that I got my food at and I thought of Em. I miss her. I hope all is well in Francia. We also went to pay the woman for our homestay for this month. However, I have travelers checks and she will only accept cash. This is a problem because I now have class from 9:30-2:30 and the bank opens at 10 and close at 3. Tomorrow I am hoping that things go well with that.

Spiritually I think I am doing well. I definitely have had to trust God with a lot of stuff lately (not surprising when I should be trusting Him with my whole life!). There are definitely things that have been backsliding, but I’m trying to work on that. I have been able to talk about my faith quite a bit since coming here, which is great. Marie, the girl staying here, also is Christian and goes to a Christian college, so we have talked about some spiritual stuff. I enjoy talking to her and will miss her soon! L There is also a guy here from my program that is a Christian that I have been able to talk to a little bit and hang out with. It was funny because we were the only two that didn’t drink when we all hung out. I tried a little bit of the wine, but other than that, it’s pop for me! :-p I really have to figure out where I stand on the alcohol issue here. I’m not “of age” in the states and I think we’re technically supposed to abide by those rules, but of course no one does and it doesn’t legally matter here. Overall I don’t enjoy the taste of alcohol, but is it okay to have a drink if I want? What do you think?

Okay friends, I'm off! Comments appreciated :-)


So, I’ve just finished my fifth day in Buenos Aires and so far so good. However, there have definitely been and will continue to be adjustments. Here are a few:

- Internet. This is a big one. I don’t have regular access to the internet via my house because it technically belongs to the little boy here, so I can only really get on when he is gone or not using the computer. And he is on the computer for most of the time that he is home. It probably is a good thing that I can’t be on all the time, yet it’s definitely something I need to get used to.
- The language. Obviously. It’s a change, yet it’s not too bad so far. I am definitely spoiled having Marie, because she translates whenever I don’t understand. However, I don’t feel too badly about it because she’s leaving soon, which is very sad. L
- Right of way. We as pedestrians definitely do not have the right of way here.
- The weather. As I said before, I definitely wasn’t prepared for this kind of cold. I am ashamed to say that I don’t even have a coat. I bought some gloves today because it was so cold out. I mean, yes, compared to a MI winter, it’s not bad at all. But compared to the summer that I left, it is veeery cold.
- The subway/buses. The subway doesn’t seem too hard to navigate, but the buses are definitely going to be a bit more of a challenge. It’s a little tricky where they go and stuff, but I should be able to figure it out someday. It does make me sad, however, because for the subway I ride the “D line” most places. Every time it makes me think of Amy “DeLine” and I miss her.
- Vos. For any of you who know anything about Spanish, this entails the “tu” tense. They don’t really use “tu” here, but “vos’ instead. It’s a little confusing, but I hear it’s pretty easy. I think of Sara when learning this, because I think that she would freak out having to learn another tense. J

So anyways, that was more than a few adjustments, but I’ll get used to it I’m sure. Now I get to tell you about my fun day. I got to meet the other people from my program today. I think there were 10 or 11 others from my exact program, but there will be around 100 for our course for the first month. We are taking an intensive language course for a month, and then we will start the regular semester. There is a mix of people that are just staying for the first month and then others who are staying for the entire semester, like me. We went around the city a little bit today and got to see an antique fair that they apparently have every Sunday, which was pretty cool. I also got my first steak here, which was yummy. After we were done hanging out and they were done drinking wine (I hear it’s good here, but to me it tastes awful) I was going to meet up with Marie and a few of her friends to go to a different fair.

Well, let’s just say that was an interesting accomplishment. I got on the subway with the people from my program and then got off by myself. I was proud of myself for even that because it’s a scary feat to wander off by yourself!! I had gotten brief directions from Marie about where to go (thanks to my Argentine phone with texting). So I was kind of wandering and was getting worried because I simply had no idea where to go. I texted her a little more and finally just headed down this one street and walked for a looong time. I was again getting worried because I was just continuing to walk, when suddenly I made it! I had arrived safely at my destination all by myself!! You have no idea how relieved I was. It’s scary!! I really hope I make friends so that I have someone to go places with. :-p

Friday, June 20, 2008

Like the movies...

A safe arrival!! But it was a long time getting here. I started out in Grand Rapids and flew out at 5:30pm. I flew a short 2ish hours to Atlanta where I sat next to a nice gentleman who is expecting his first child. He was encouraging because he saw me reading "The Ragamuffin Gospel" and said, "If you have God on your side, you don't need luck." :-)

Then as I boarded my plane to take me across the ocean, it was like the movies. I was sitting in the very middle seat, between two larger middle-aged men who knew each other and were talking over and around me. For 10 hours. haha. I was like "Ohh boy!" But it was nice because right away I started talking to one of the guys in Spanish and he talked to me for quite awhile. I had made friends! Just as we were reaching Buenos Aires, they told us we couldn't land because of wind and rain, so we went and landed in Montevideo, Uruguay to refuel and wait. So a 10 hour flight soon turned into 15 hours. What fun.

So anyways, I arrived safely and am now at my house! I have a mother, Virginia, and two little brothers, Augustin and Valentin. 12 and 6. They are cute. There is also a girl staying here, Marie, who is very nice. She is from California and has been here since like Feb. so she knows her way around well. I am happy to have someone else here who knows what it's like. She is leaving in 8 days and seems excited about that. My house is cute and my room is very nice. It's small, but purple, so I feel at home. ha. I'll post pictures at a later time. I am going out tonight for my first night here! Marie and a few of her friends are going to a kareoke (can't spell) I'll accompany them.

It's so much colder than I had anticipated!! I need more warm clothes :-)

Anyways, Adios friends, I'll stay updating!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's almost time!!

Wow! I can't believe that I leave in 4 days. I have been saying that all along though, and I don't think those feelings will stop any time soon. Not until I land in AR. Maybe not even then...
Right now I'm just contemplating packing and cleaning my room, etc. I got my address in Argentina! I still don't know anything about the family, but o'well. I have to go through customs when I get there and take a taxi to my house. That makes me a little nervous.

Yesterday was my brother's wedding. That was a lot of fun and I got to dance a lot. I also enjoyed seeing all of my family before I leave. Congrats bro!! And I have a new sister, so that's kind of cool. :-)

Okay, so onto something a bit more intense. I made a new friend from Isreal because he works on the computers that I have to use at work. It's really neat learning about Isreal...the culture, the country, the people, etc. I don't know why, but I was really surprised when I got into a conversation with him about religion and my faith. I didn't think that I would have the guts to bring it up with him but, of course, God was faithful and provided. But it was still very hard. He told me that he doesn't even know if he believes in God. That is so hard to hear and I had no idea what to say besides that I know there is a god and that He is taking care of him as we speak. He had told me that he has just been getting out of a slump in his life and so I tried to associate that back to God, saying that He clearly is being taken care of. But he insisted that he has done it on his own. He got himself into the bad situation and he has now gotten himself out of it. He says he won't be convinced until something happens to convince him. I know that, if it's in God's will, that is exactly what will happen. He also said that I should be a missionary (in sort of a cynical way). haha, I smiled at that. I wished Amy was there to tell me what to say. Or Les. Or anyone but me...But I know that's why God put ME there, and not anyone else. So I can learn and grow, and feel even more confident in my faith. I was blessed, yet heartbroken, by the conversation.

It breaks my heart to see people who have no idea that God is out there, taking care of them (yes, even when they are going through awful things), and loving them. I pray that God will continue to break my heart for the lost...I never want to lose that feeling.